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Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions.

Products and Services

How can I get the technical documents of the product that I'm interested?

Please visit Technical Document for Product and Technical FAQs.

What is WISE-Marketplace Free Trial?
When does the WISE-Marketplace Free Trial expire?


What are the WISE-Marketplace membership tiers and how do I view my current benefits?

  1. There are 4 levels of membership within the WISE-Marketplace: Regular, Silver, Gold, and VIP.
  2. Upon completing registration, you become a Regular Member. You become a Silver, Gold, or VIP Member when you purchase the membership level or your total purchases pass their respective threshhold.
  3. The membership is valid for 2 years beginning the day of purchasing the membership, up to the 24th of the month. For example, If you join the Silver Member plan on June 30th, 2023 and complete payment on July 1st, 2023, your membership will be valid until July 31st, 2025.
  4. To view your membership benefits, click on the logged-in icon in the upper right corner while logging in or navigate to "My Membership."

How do I upgrade my membership level?
What are the spending threshold standards and renewal rules of each membership level?
Why does my total expense value not immediatly increase after completing a transaction?
Is there any other member-related information?

Technical Support

What types of issues are supported?

WISE-Marketplace's support services include business support and technical support, providing multiple experts to solve your problems.

Are there any restrictions on support services?
How to get personalized support services?
Are there other support options?