시장 전문화
공용 분야
Andon is an important management tool in lean manufacturing.
Provides a digital SOP which provides accurate product information and fast updates which shortens the learning curve for operators.
Provides an easy-to-use tool to speed up the visualization of all machine status and health conditions, which reduces unplanned downtime and equipment failures.
Monitors the real-time status of equipment and presents only the most important information such as production quality and ratios through data acquisition and dashboard presentation.
Enables users to safeguard, view, and carry out patrol tasks assigned with our app.
Shop Floor is a set of manufacturing management systems and tools for production tracking, scheduling, and status reporting.
It continuously optimizes energy consumption, achieves optimal energy usage efficiency, and enables people to get a deeper understanding of power consumption.
Provides an easy-to-use tool to speed up the visualization of all machine status and health conditions, which reduces unplanned downtime and equipment failures.
It allows you to assist in completing highly repetitive, large and complex tasks, and can customize your own exclusive analysis reports
Prognostics and Health Management product utilizes Industrial IoT technology to comprehensively monitor machine health condition.
Hhelp customers, developers, and maintenance personnel monitor, count, and manage many different microservices.
Help you complete the collection of carbon emissions information including GHG Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon footprinting.
The system comprehensively collects the operating parameters, and gives the corresponding optimization strategy, to achieve energy saving effects.
iEMS/ECOWatch monitors and manages public resources such as water, electricity, gas, and heat in a building.
Monitors the operating status of air compressor systems of factory in real-time and realizes remote automatic inspection and enhance the factory work efficiency.
The system comprehensively collects the operating parameters, and gives the corresponding optimization strategy, so as to achieve energy saving effects.
Provide power supply side and power consumption side, monitor all aspects of source, storage and charge in real time.
The solution supports the machine operation team in realizing machine prognostic and health management.
Help to identify sources of pollution, avoid effluent violation and help management department take early actions.
iService/ Inspection is a user-friendly software solution for conducting quality control inspections and operations auditing
iService/ FaceMatch is a facial recognition platform enables users with the ability to identify facial profiles.
A software to precisely count people entering and leaving the pre-defined area.
Provides a platform for editing and dispatching digital signage programs.
iTeleMed Virtual Clinic offerings include a variety of solution suites aimed at diverse applications and the iTeleMed P2P software portal.
Provide the information needed by the nursing staff to improve the work efficiency of the nursing staff and provide accurate patient care.
iWard Patient Service provide clear information and interactive patient education for increasing patient engagement and optimizing healthcare.
Provides secure reverse proxy services that can realize intranet penetration and provide services to internet Servers.
Hhelp customers, developers, and maintenance personnel monitor, count, and manage many different microservices.
Provide an AI automatic learning service to allow users with data to quickly build models and publish them online.
Under the dual drive of technology and services, it helps enterprises achieve data-driven decision-making and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.
WISE-EnSaaS is a new generation of industrial IoT cloud platform based on Kubernetes.
A cloud-side integrated device access and management center, provides a full-stack industrial IoT development platform and empowers industry solutions Build quickly.
It meets the basic requirements of the industry in real-time business, application intelligence, security and privacy protection, etc.
A Multi-Channel Message Notification Service which provide integrated use for customers and SRP.
The new generation cloud based graphical control tool that allow user to interact with machine in real-time.
An open cloud-based industrial IoT platform, providing device management for Advantech sensing modules and platforms.
An industrial app that enables effective equipment management for optimized productivity.
Easy-to-use interface, you can monitor the health status of each device, take real-time actions, troubleshoot problems.
A middleware allows data to be rapidly integrated and transmitted to multiple cloud platforms and third-party systems.
An application development platform with flexible architecture, convenient operation and strong versatility.
Based on SCADA software structure, provides major CNC networking functions.
A Powerful yet intuitive software to create total solutions for Human Machine Interface products.
Web browser-based software package for networking management system.
Web-based SCADA software, users can monitor and control their project simply through a web browser.
Simply click on the visual management page and then you can quickly create a VPN server and client credentials.
다양한 장비 관리、하드웨어 연결 후 즉시 서비스 활용、맞춤형 패널 및 개발 기능
The solution supports the machine operation team in realizing machine prognostic and health management.
Prognostics and Health Management product utilizes Industrial IoT technology to comprehensively monitor machine health condition.
An AI-based energy management solution enables managers to consider complex affecting-index and make decisions efficiently by visualizing future risks and providing parameter suggestions.
Equip process and asset authorities with state-of-the-art analytics to analyze, monitor and predict the operational proficiency of batch, grade, and continuous manufacturing processes.
Easy-to-use interface, you can monitor the health status of each device, take real-time actions, troubleshoot problems.
The system comprehensively collects the operating parameters, and gives the corresponding optimization strategy, so as to achieve energy saving effects.
iEMS/ECOWatch monitors and manages public resources such as water, electricity, gas, and heat in a building.
Andon is an important management tool in lean manufacturing.
It continuously optimizes energy consumption, achieves optimal energy usage efficiency, and enables people to get a deeper understanding of power consumption.
다양한 장비 관리、하드웨어 연결 후 즉시 서비스 활용、맞춤형 패널 및 개발 기능
A cloud-side integrated device access and management center, provides a full-stack industrial IoT development platform and empowers industry solutions Build quickly.
Provides a platform for editing and dispatching digital signage programs.
iService/ Inspection is a user-friendly software solution for conducting quality control inspections and operations auditing
인더스트리 5.0의 혁신을 가속화하세요.
기업이 에너지를 절약하고 배출량을 줄이며 저탄소로 나아갈 수 있도록 지원하세요.
2022년부터 Zhen Ding은 Advantech의 WISE-IoT 스마트 팩토리(iFactory) EHS 솔루션과 WISE-IoT 에너지 관리 솔루션(iEMS)의 공기 압축기 효율 관리 시스템(Compressor)을 도입하여, 스마트화를 통해 기업의 녹색 지속 가능 경영 핵심 이념을 가속화하고 있습니다.
Zhen Ding Tech.
지역 글로벌
장비 모니터링, 에너지 관리 및 유지보수를 단일 플랫폼으로 통합하고 여러 시설의 에너지 관련 데이터를 통합함으로써 비쉐이는 중앙 집중식 관리를 통해 에너지 효율성을 극대화하여 탄소 배출량 감소 목표를 빠르게 달성하고 있습니다.
지역 중국
"비쉐이는 탄소 배출 감소 목표를 빠르게 달성하기 위해 중앙 집중식 관리를 통해 최고의 에너지 효율을 추구하고 있습니다."
Hai Tsai
IEHS Vishay Semiconductor 아시아태평양 지역 수석 이사
1급 전기차 열 모듈 제조업체는 Advantech의 WISE-IoT 플랫폼을 도입하여 설비 효율(OEE)과 에너지 관리를 향상시켰습니다. 실시간 데이터 시각화를 통해 생산 투명성을 개선하고, 에너지 사용을 최적화하며, 비용을 절감하여 전기차 산업에서 경쟁력을 강화했습니다.
Amulaire Thermal Tech
지역 대만
싱가포르에 기반을 둔 태양광 통합업체인 Mirai Electronics는 Advantech의 EdgeHub와 WISE-IoT를 활용하여 태양광 모니터링 시스템을 개발했습니다. 이를 통해 태양광 발전소의 관리 부담을 줄이고, 싱가포르의 재생 에너지 목표를 지원하며, 기업들이 ESG 목표를 달성하고 탄소중립을 촉진할 수 있습니다.
Mirai Electronics
지역 싱가포르
이 그룹은 중국 내 공장들의 데이터와 에너지 사용을 중앙에서 관리하여 에너지 소비를 줄였을 뿐만 아니라, 각 제품에 에너지 비용을 정확히 배분할 수 있어 시장 경쟁력을 크게 높였습니다.
아시아 선도 식음료 그룹
지역 중국
어드밴텍의 스마트 리테일 솔루션으로 개선된 대만의 NOKE 쇼핑몰은 리테일 관리에 대한 혁신적인 접근 방식을 선보입니다. 이 쇼핑몰은 동적 콘텐츠 전달을 위해 첨단 실외 및 실내 디지털 사이니지를 통합하고 인원 계수 및 점유 분석 기술을 채택하여 효율적인 고객 흐름 관리와 보안 강화를 달성했습니다.
지역 대만
어드밴텍과 CHC 헬스케어 그룹과의 협력을 통해 대만의 하이브리드 수술실은 수술의 정확성과 안전성을 개선하기 위해 AVAS 및 PAX 디스플레이와 같은 의료용 기술을 활용하여 발전했습니다. 이러한 혁신적인 통합은 첨단 기술이 의료 시설을 어떻게 변화시켜 효율성과 치료 성공률을 높일 수 있는지 보여줍니다.
"엠베드는 의료 인증을 보유한 대만의 공급업체로, 성숙한 제품과 포괄적인 기능을 제공합니다. 의료 산업의 임상 요구에 맞춰 맞춤화가 가능합니다."
마이클 리
CHC 헬스케어 그룹 COO